As part of measures to ensure the sustainability of the potable water schemes provided by the Hydrocarbon Pollution Remediation Project (HYPREP) in Ogoni, the River State Government has inaugurated the Nchia Water Consumers’ Association in Eleme Local Government Area, Rivers State.

Inaugurating the WCA, the Permanent Secretary, Rivers State Ministry of Water Resources and Rural Development, Barr. Mrs Patience Omereji who was represented at the event by Mrs Amachree Queen, General Manager, Rivers State Small Towns Water Supply and Sanitation Agency (RSSTOWA), charged members to ensure they drive communities towards owning and sustaining the project in line with the intendment of the association.

Project Coordinator of HYPREP, Professor Nenibarini Zabbey said the gesture was strategic as it would foster community participation and ownership which are necessary prerequisites for the sustainability and success of the HYPREP water schemes in the communities, urging the association to be committed to their tasks.

The Nchia Water Consumers’ Association (WCA), comprises members from the Nchia communities of Alesa, Aleto, Alode, Agbonchia, and Ogale, which are being serviced by the Alesa Water Scheme, seeks to address the challenges associated with sustaining water projects upon completion.

In attendance were the King of Eleme, HRM King, Sir, Dr. Philip O. Obele, DSSRS (Oneh-Eh Eleme XI), Paramount Rulers of Alesa, Agbonchia, Ogale, representatives of Stakeholders Democracy Network(SDN), Centre for Environment, Human Rights Development (CERHD), Society for Women and Youth Affairs (SWAYA) among other dignitaries.

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