The Contract works is for construction of new water supply scheme required to improve potable water supplies in Ogoniland.
The constituted works include but not limited to the construction and commissioning of the following under-listed water supply facilities in each of the benefiting communities:
- Drilling of new boreholes
- Supply and equipping of the boreholes with motorized pumps;
- Supply and construction of corresponding water treatment facilities with laboratory for water quality test;
- Construction of staff quarter for Operations staff.
- Supply and construction of ground and elevated reservoirs
- Supply and construction of distribution pipework and distribution stand points;
- Supply and installation of public power supply and standby generators for the facilities,
- Installation of solar farm as an alternate source of power supply.
- Community mobilization/Ownership of the schemes for operation and maintenance; and a robust sustainability plan
‘Batch 1 Water Project
Lot 1: Alesa, Eleme LGA‘
The rehabilitation of Alesa Headworks (N291663, E529280) and its two booster stations at Agbonchia (N291401, E531133) and Alesa II (N290912, E528893) was awarded to Cobef International Ltd in June 2021 with a 12 months delivery timeline. The full rehabilitation was however completed and the station has since 2022 been in its operation and maintenance phase. These stations currently supply drinking water to Alesa, Alode, Agbonchia, Aleto and part of Ogale communities.
As part of the sustainability plan for this station, town hall meetings have been held in March, 2024 across the LGA to sensitize community stakeholders and the Water Consumer Association has been inaugurated.
Percentage of Completion: Alesa Headwork 100%, Alesa Booster Station 100%, Agbonchia Boosta Station 100%

Lot 2: Ebubu/Nsissioken-Ogale, Eleme LGA
The contractor (Duliz Dredging and construction Ltd) mobilized to site in June 2021 with a delivery timeline of 12 months. The construction of Ebubu headworks (N293144, E530289) has been completed and the station already in the operation and maintenance phase after its commissioning in December 2023. The Ebubu headworks currently supply water to the Ebubu, Ejama, Agbeta and Obolo communities.
The Ogale headworks however is near completion, while the Ogale booster station (N292673, E528871) was rehabilitated.
Percentage of Completion: Ebubu Headwork 100%, Ogale Booster Station 100%, Nsissioken Headwork 80%

Lot 3: Terabor/Biara, Gokana LGA
The contract for the rehabilitation of the Terabor Station (N310869, E514809) was awarded to El-Sunnic Integrated Services Ltd in June 2021 with a 12-month delivery timeline. In December 2023, the fully rehabilitated headworks was commissioned for use. The operation and maintenance phase has however begun with the station currently supplying water to Mogho, lewe, kpor, Gbe, Bera, Gioko and Nweol communities, while the construction of a fresh booster station at Biara community (N311467, E516358) is near completion.
Percentage of Completion: Terabor Headwork 100%, Biara Booster Station 50%

Lot 4: Barako/B-Dere Gokana LGA
The construction of 2 new headworks to serve Barako (N313412, E516415) and B-Dere communities was awarded in June 2021 to Geoquest Integrated Services Ltd, with a 12-month delivery timeline. The completed Barako station was commissioned for use by the community, in June 2023. Operations and Maintenance activities has since begun with daily supply of water to the entire Barako community. The B-Dere station (N307558, 516797) which will supply water to B-Dere community is near completion.
Percentage of Completion: Barako Headwork 100%, B-Dere Headwork 93%

Lot 5: Korokoro/Nonwa Tai LGA
The contract for the construction of Korokoro (N305786, E519490) and Nonwa stations (N303601, E524496) with a 12-months delivery timeline was awarded to Askellan Integrated Services Limited in June 2021. The Korokoro station was commissioned for use in December 2023, and has gradually commenced the operation and maintenance phase, supplying water to Korokoro and Ueken communities. However, the Nonwa station which will supply water to Nonwa and Uedeme communities is under construction.
Percentage of Completion: Korokoro Headwork 100%, Nonwa Headwork 93%

Lot 6: Bori/Kpean/Zaakpon, Khana LGA
The contract for the rehabilitation of Bori Water Station and fresh construction of another headworks at Kpean community was awarded to Geokooy Environmental Services Ltd in June 2021 with a delivery timeline of 12 months. The Kpean station which will serve Kpean, Teenama and Teraue communities has been completed and was commissioned in December 2023, though awaiting commencement of the operations and maintenance phase. The Bori headwork (N320189, E516760) which will supply water to Bori community and its environs will also feed the Zaakpon booster station. Both are under construction and are near completion.
Percentage of Completion: Bori Headwork 75%, Bori Booster Station 66%, Kpean Headwork 100%

Batch 2 Water Project
Lot 7: Buan/Bane, Khana LGA
Activities at Lot 7 includes the construction of 2 headworks, 1 each at Buan and Bane communities respectively. On completion, the schemes will supply water to Buan, Kono, Kwawa, Ewee and Bane communities. The contractor Lodoni Company Nigeria Limited mobilized to site in June 2023, with a delivery timeline of 12 months
Percentage of Completion: Buan Headwork 40%, Bane Headwork 42%

Lot 8: Uegwere/Kaa, Khana LGA
The construction of the Uegwere/Kaa water scheme was awarded to Duluidas Nigeria Limited mobilized to site in June 2023, with a delivery timeline of 12 months. The project includes the construction of 2 headworks, 1 each at Uegwere and Kaa communities and the construction of a booster station at Beagu. On completion, the water will be reticulated to Uegwere, Kono Boue, Gbam Boue, Nyorkwiri Boue, Kono Boue, Kereken Boue and Kaa communities.
Percentage of Completion: Uegwere Headwork 68%, Kaa Headwork 56%, Beagu Booster Station 61%

Lot 9: Taabaa/Nyorkuru, Khana LGA
Activities at Lot 9 cover the construction of 1 headwork at Taabaa and a booster station at Nyorkuru. The project is being handled by Exxonmon West Africa Energy Company Limited, who mobilized to site in June 2023, with a delivery timeline of 12 months. On completion, the stations will supply water to both communities.
Percentage of Completion: Taabaa Headwork 65%, Nyorkuru Booster Station 54%

Lot 10: Luusue Sogho/Kaani, Khana LGA
Activities at Lot 10 cover the construction of 2 headworks, 1 each at Luusue Sogho and Kaani respectively. Contractor handling the site is Goldrock Multi-Links Limited and the water will be reticulated to Luusue Sogho, Zor Sogho, Akporo, Barakaani, Teka, Kaani 1 and kaani 2.
Percentage of Completion: Luusue Sogho Headwork 45%, Kaani Headwork 36%

Lot 11: Bodo, Gokana LGA
Lot 11 covers the construction of 1 headwork and 1 booster station at Bodo community. The station which is being handled by Gozcom Investment Limited will supply water to Bodo community and will contain boreholes 1 and 2, treatment house, pressure filters, back wash room, elevated and ground tanks.
Percentage of Completion: Bodo Headwork 80%, Bodo Booster Station 25%

Lot 12: Kpite/Horo, Tai LGA
Activities at Lot 12 include construction of 1 headwork at Kpite and 1 booster station at Horo. The facility on completion will have a treatment house, pressure filters, back wash room, elevated and ground tanks. The contractor handling the site is El-Sunnic Integrated Resources Limited. The communities to benefit from this scheme are Kpite, Horo, Botem, Gbeneue.
Percentage of Completion: Kpite Headwork 51%, Botem Booster Station 42%

Lot 13: Borobara/Kporghor, TAI LGA
Activities at Lot 13 covers the construction of one headwork each at Borobara and Kporgor communities respectively. The station on completion will have staff quarter, generator house, filter house, ground tank and elevated tank. Communities to benefit from these stations are Borobara, Kira, Gio, Kporgor and Bara-lue. Southwells Global Services Limited is the contractor handling the site. Kporghor water project is completely built and was commissioned on Friday 26th July 2024 and is currently supplying water to the communities. Borobara water project is near completion.
Percentage of Completion: Kporghor Headwork 100%, Borobara Headwork 61%

Lot 14: Eteo/Onne, Eleme LGA
Activities at Lot 14 cover the construction of 1 headwork each at Onne and Eteo communities respectively. The stations will house 3 boreholes at Onne and 2 at Eteo, ground and elevated tanks, generator house and staff quarters, treatment buildings, gate house. The contractor, Geokooy Environmental Services Limited will reticulate the water to feed Onne and Eteo communities.
Percentage of Completion: Eteo Headwork 60%, Onne Headwork 60%

Lot 15: Barayira, Tai LGA
Activities at Lot 15 cover the construction of 1 headwork at Barayira. The headwork will have boreholes, treatment building, pressure filter house, staff quarter, generator house, gate house currently ongoing. The project which is being handled by ZGM Group of companies will supply water to Barayira, Sime, Bara-ale, Norkpo1 and Norkpo2 communities, when completed.
Percentage of Completion: Barayira Headwork 30%

Lot 16: Okwale/Lueku, Khana LGA
Pazim Engineering Limited is carrying out the construction at Lot 16 comprising 2 headworks, 1 each at Lueku and Okwale communities. The stations will feed water to Okwale, Baa, Lueku, Nyorwii, Tem, Wiikue and Agbani communities.
Percentage of Completion: Okwale Headwork 43%, Lueku Headwork 37%

Lot 17: Bomu/Deeyor/Deken, Gokana LGA
Activities at Lot 17 cover the construction of 1 headworks at Bomu, Deeyor and Deken respectively. The station will have a Staff quarter, treatment building, generator house, pressure filter house and gate house. The benefiting communities are Bomu, Deyor, Deken and Nwebiara, while the contractor in charge is Brant Technologies Limited. Bomu water project is completed and was commissioned on the 26th of July 2024 and is supplying water to the community. the water project in Deeyor and Deken are in progress.
Percentage of Completion: Bomu Headwork 100%, Deeyor Headwork 50%, Deken Headwork 53%

Lot 18: Gwara/Eeken, Khana LGA
Activities at Lot 18 covers the construction of 1 headwork at Gwara community and 2 booster stations; 1 each at Eeken and Gurre communities respectively. The stations which are being built by Surez Global Resources Nigeria Limited will serve Gwara, Bien, Luuyor, Eeken, Kapnor and Gurre.
Percentage of Completion: Gwara Headwork 59%, Eeken Booster Station 49%, Gurre Booster Station 44%

Lot 19: Koroma/Bunu, Tai LGA
Lot 19 cover the construction of 1 head work at Koroma and another headwork at Bunu community. The communities to be served by the station on completion are Koroma, Bunu, kaani Bunu and Kpete Bunu. The company in charge is Bay Matrix Limited.
Percentage of Completion: Koroma Headwork 42%, Bunu Headwork 93%

Lot 20: Beeri/Kpong, Khana LGA
Activities at Lot 20 cover construction of 1 headwork at Beeri and 1 booster station at Kpong. The station will have a treatment building, pressure filter house, elevated tank, ground tank, control room, gate house, and generator house. The stations which are being constructed by Liquid Power Integrated System will serve Nyobe, Nyoghor, Luere, Yorh, Saah, Beakogoro, Luegbo, Kor and Kpong communities.
Percentage of Completion: Beeri Headwork 95%, Kpong Booster Station 58%