Phase 2 Remediation Works
Project Summary Scope
- To carryout Site Characterization and Assessment
- To carryout Remediation of Hydrocarbon Polluted Soil and Groundwater on assessed sites

SMR 001
LOCATION: Ajeokpori Ogale Eleme LGA
SITE REFERENCE CO-ORDINATE (UTM WGS 64): Easting: 294973; Northing: 532184
CONTRACTOR: Beachstone Limited
SCOPE SUMMARY: To carry out site characterization/assessment and remediate hydrocarbon impacted areas within the site.
The contractor has achieved a completion percentage 13.5% having carried out the following activities:
1 Mobilized to site.
2 Site Office Setup Completed.
3 Site characterization/assessment field sampling and data collection have been completed. The site characterization report and RAP have been submitted.
4 The contractor has received conditional regulatory approval for the Site Characterization and RAP to commence remedial action.
5 Yet to commence remedial action phase

SMR 002
UNEP CODE : 004 -OO1
LOCATION: Ajeokpori Ogale Eleme LGA
SITE REFERENCE CO-ORDINATE (UTM WGS 64): Easting: 294815; Northing: 531988
CONTRACTOR: Avondale Services and Supplies Limited
SCOPE SUMMARY: To carry out site characterization/assessment and remediate hydrocarbon impacted areas within the site.
The contractor has achieved a completion percentage of 23.5% having carried out the following activities:
1 Mobilized to site.
2 Site Office Setup Completed
3 Site characterization/assessment field sampling and data collection have been completed. The site characterization report and RAP have been submitted.
4 The contractor has received conditional regulatory approval for the Site Characterization and RAP to commence remedial action
5 Remediation Action Phase Ongoing:
a) Ex situ treatment method: Excavation and treatment of contaminated soils in biocell
b) Insitu treatment method: installation of injection boreholes for biosparging

SMR 003
LOCATION: Ajeokpori Ogale Eleme LGA
SITE REFERENCE CO-ORDINATE (UTM WGS 64): Easting: 294603 ; Northing: 531772
CONTRACTOR: Earthpro Unique Integrated Limited
SCOPE SUMMARY: To carry out site characterization/assessment and remediate hydrocarbon impacted areas within the site.
The contractor has achieved a completion percentage 28.5% having carried out the following activities:
1. Mobilized to site.
2. Site characterization/assessment field sampling and data collection completed.
3. Site office setup completed.
4. Submitted Site Characterization Report and RAP for review.
5. The contractor has been given provisional approval by NOSDRA to commence the Remediation phase of the works after review of documents.
6. Biocell construction completed.
7. Commencement of remediation works.

SMR 004
LOCATION: Ajeokpori Ogale Eleme LGA
SITE REFERENCE CO-ORDINATE (UTM WGS 64): Easting: 294865; Northing: 532284
CONTRACTOR: Newline West Africa Limited
SCOPE SUMMARY: To carry out site characterization/assessment and remediate hydrocarbon impacted areas within the site.
The contractor has achieved a completion percentage of 42.5% having carried out the following activities:
1 Mobilized to site.
2 Site Office setup completed.
3 Site characterization/assessment field sampling and data collection have been completed. The site characterization report and RAP have been submitted.
4 The contractor has obtained conditional regulatory approval for their site characterization report and RAP to commence remedial action.
5 Remediation Action Phase ongoing:
a) Exsitu Treatment method: Excavation of impacted soils in trenches, treatment of impacted soil.
b) Insitu treatment method: Biosparging around the trenches using injection boreholes and air compression systems.

SMR 005
LOCATION: Site A: Ajeokpori Ogale Eleme LGA ; Site B : Okuluebu, Ogale, Eleme LGA
SITE REFERENCE CO-ORDINATE (UTM WGS 64): Easting: 294722 ; Northing: 532149
CONTRACTOR: Ecosafe Services Ltd
SCOPE SUMMARY: To carry out site characterization/assessment and remediate hydrocarbon impacted areas within the site.
The contractor has achieved a completion percentage 13% having carried out the following activities:
Mobilized to site.
Completed site office for site A.
Completed site characterization/assessment field sampling and data collection for sites A and B.
Submitted initial copy of site characterization and RAP for review.
Review of the site characterization report and RAP ongoing.
Biocell construction ongoing.

SMR 006
LOCATION: Ajeokpori Ogale Eleme LGA
SITE REFERENCE CO-ORDINATE (UTM WGS 64): Easting: 294609; Northing: 532063
CONTRACTOR: Icren Services Limited
SCOPE SUMMARY: To carry out site characterization/assessment and remediate hydrocarbon impacted areas within the site.
The contractor has achieved a completion percentage of 27% having carried out the following activities:
1 Mobilized to the site
2 Completion of Site Office
3 Site characterization/assessment field sampling and data collection have been completed. The site characterization report and RAP have been submitted.
4 The contractor has obtained full regulatory approval for their site characterization report and RAP.
5 Remediation Action Phase ongoing: Ex-situ treatment method: Excavation and Treatment of contaminated soils

SMR 007
UNEP CODE : 004 -OO1
LOCATION: Ajeokpori Ogale Eleme LGA
SITE REFERENCE CO-ORDINATE (UTM WGS 64): Easting: 294518; Northing: 531987
CONTRACTOR: Geokooy Environmental Services Ltd
SCOPE SUMMARY: To carry out site characterization/assessment and remediate hydrocarbon impacted areas within the site.
The contractor has achieved a completion percentage of 13.5% having carried out the following activities:
1 Mobilized to the site
2 Completed site office setup.
3 Site characterization/assessment field sampling and data collection completed. The Characterization Report and RAP have been submitted and are currently under review.
4 The contractor has received conditional regulatory approval for the Site Characterization and RAP to commence remedial action.
5 The contractor is preparing to commence remedial action

SMR 008
LOCATION: Ajeokpori Ogale Eleme LGA
SITE REFERENCE CO-ORDINATE (UTM WGS 64): Easting: 294435; Northing: 531954
CONTRACTOR: Cagewox Dot Net Ltd
SCOPE SUMMARY: To carry out site characterization/assessment and remediate hydrocarbon impacted areas within the site.
The contractor has achieved a completion percentage 13.5% having carried out the following activities:
1 Mobilized to the site
2 Completed site office setup.
3 Site characterization/assessment field sampling and data collection completed. The Site Characterization Report and RAP have been submitted.
4 The contractor has received conditional regulatory approval for the Site Characterization and RAP to commence remedial action.
5 The contractor is preparing to commence remedial action

SMR 009
LOCATION: Ajeokpori Ogale Eleme LGA
SITE REFERENCE CO-ORDINATE (UTM WGS 64): Easting: 294387; Northing: 531881
CONTRACTOR: Foxtrot O & G Company Nigeria Ltd
SCOPE SUMMARY: To carry out site characterization/assessment and remediate hydrocarbon impacted areas within the site.
The contractor has achieved a completion percentage of 13.5% having carried out the following activities:
1 Mobilized to the site
2 Completed site office setup.
3 Site characterization/assessment field sampling and data collection completed. The Characterization Report and RAP have been submitted.
4 The contractor has received conditional regulatory approval for the Site Characterization and RAP to commence remedial action.
5 The contractor is preparing to commence remedial action

SMR 010
LOCATION: Ajeokpori Ogale Eleme LGA
SITE REFERENCE CO-ORDINATE (UTM WGS 64): Easting: 294318; Northing: 531906
CONTRACTOR: Lamor Corp Ab and Dinetuks Nigeria Ltd
SCOPE SUMMARY: To carry out site characterization/assessment and remediate hydrocarbon impacted areas within the site.
The contractor has achieved a completion percentage of 13% having carried out the following activities:
1 Mobilized to site.
2 Completed site office
3 Site characterization/assessment field sampling and data collection have been completed. The site characterization report and RAP have been submitted.
4 The contractor has obtained full regulatory approval for their site characterization report and RAP to commence remedial action.
5 Remediation Action Phase: insitu treatment method: Installation of biosparging injection wells.
6 The remediation action phase has been paused because a fence has been erected around the work areas of the site, obstructing access to the work area.

LOCATION: Ajeokpori Ogale Eleme LGA
SITE REFERENCE CO-ORDINATE (UTM WGS 64): Easting: 294178; Northing: 531869
CONTRACTOR: Stefanutti Stocks Hapel Ltd
SCOPE SUMMARY: To carry out site characterization/assessment and remediate hydrocarbon impacted areas within the site.
The contractor has achieved a completion percentage of 13.5% having carried out the following activities:
1 Mobilized to the site.
2 Completed Office setup
3 Site characterization/assessment field sampling and data collection have been completed. The site characterization report and RAP have been submitted.
4 The contractor has obtained conditional approval regulatory approval for their site characterization report and RAP to commence remedial action.
5 Remediation works have not commenced because a fence has been erected around the work areas of the site, obstructing access to the work area.

SMR 012
LOCATION: Ajeokpori Ogale Eleme LGA
SITE REFERENCE CO-ORDINATE (UTM WGS 64): Easting: 294178; Northing: 531869
CONTRACTOR: Fibow Petroleum Environmental Engineering Consult Ltd
SCOPE SUMMARY: To carry out site characterization/assessment and to remediate hydrocarbon impacted areas within the site.
The contractor has achieved a completion percentage of 13% having carried out the following activities:
1 Mobilized to site
2 Office Setup Completed
3 Site Characterization/assessment Field sampling and data collection completed
4 The contractor has received conditional regulatory approval for the Site Characterization and RAP to commence remedial action.
5 The contractor is preparing to commence remedial action

SMR 013
LOCATION: Ajeokpori Ogale Eleme LGA
SITE REFERENCE CO-ORDINATE (UTM WGS 64): Easting: 294219; Northing: 531733
CONTRACTOR: Nopec Energy Services Ltd
SCOPE SUMMARY: To carry out site characterization/assessment and remediate hydrocarbon impacted areas within the site.
The contractor has achieved a completion percentage of 13.5% having carried out the following activities:
1 Mobilized to the site
2 Site Office Setup Completed.
3 Site Characterization/assessment field sampling and data collection completed.
4 Site characterization/assessment field sampling and data collection have been completed. The site characterization report and RAP have been submitted.
5 The contractor has received conditional regulatory approval for the Site Characterization and RAP to commence remedial action.
6 The contractor is preparing to commence remedial action

SMR 014
LOCATION: Ogale Ogale Eleme LGA
SITE REFERENCE CO-ORDINATE (UTM WGS 64): Easting: 293815; Northing: 533219
CONTRACTOR: One Specialty P&S Ltd
SCOPE SUMMARY: To carry out site characterization/assessment and remediate hydrocarbon impacted areas within the site.
The contractor has achieved a completion percentage of 29% having carried out the following activities:
1 Mobilized to the site.
2 Office setup completed.
3 Site characterization/assessment field sampling and data collection have been completed. The site characterization report and RAP have been submitted.
4 The contractor has obtained full regulatory approval for their site characterization report and RAP to commence remedial action.
5 Continuation of Remediation Works: Ex-situ Treatment Method: Excavation of impacted Trenches, contaminated soil treatment and recovery of free-phase oil.

SMR 015
LOCATION: Obajioken Ogale Eleme LGA
SITE REFERENCE CO-ORDINATE (UTM WGS 64): Easting: 294413; Northing: 531468
CONTRACTOR: Giolee Global Resources Limited
SCOPE SUMMARY: To carry out site characterization/assessment and remediate hydrocarbon impacted areas within the site.
The contractor has achieved a completion percentage of 52.5% having carried out the following activities:
1 Mobilized to site.
2 Office setup completed.
3 Site characterization/assessment field sampling and data collection have been completed. The site characterization report and RAP have been submitted.
4 The contractor has received full regulatory approval for their site characterization report and RAP to commence remedial action.
5 The Remediation Action Phase is ongoing:
a) Ex-situ treatment method: Excavation of impacted soils, treatment of contaminated soil, and recovery of free phase oil.
b) In-situ Treatment Method: Biosparging using air compressor systems and installed injection wells.

SMR 016
LOCATION: Omunwanwan Sime Tai LGA
SITE REFERENCE CO-ORDINATE (UTM WGS 64): Easting: 300875; Northing: 525140
CONTRACTOR: Vitruvian Global Resources Limited
SCOPE SUMMARY: To carry out site characterization/assessment and remediate hydrocarbon impacted areas within the site.
The contractor has achieved a completion percentage of 25% having carried out the following activities:
1 Mobilized to the site
2 Office setup Completed
3 Site characterization/assessment field sampling and data collection have been completed. The site characterization report and RAP have been submitted.
4 The contractor has obtained conditional regulatory approval for their site characterization report and RAP to commence remedial action.
5 Commenced Remediation Action Phase: a) Exsitu Treatment method: Excavation of impacted Trenches, contaminated soil treatment and recovery of free-phase oil.

LOCATION: Barabeedom K.Dere Gokana LGA
CONTRACTOR: Esinos Resources International Ltd
SCOPE SUMMARY: To carry out site characterization/assessment and remediate hydrocarbon impacted areas within the site.
The contractor has achieved a completion percentage of 11% having carried out the following activities:
1 Mobilized to site.
2 Site characterization/assessment field sampling and data collection have been completed. The Site characterization report and RAP have been submitted for review.
4 Office Setup Completed
5 Biocell Construction ongoing

SMR 017
UNEP CODE: 012 – 001
LOCATION: Omunwanwan Sime Tai LGA
SITE REFERENCE CO-ORDINATE (UTM WGS 64): Easting: 301420; Northing: 527745
CONTRACTOR: Craneburg Construction Company Ltd
SCOPE SUMMARY: To carry out site characterization/assessment and remediate hydrocarbon impacted areas within the site.
The contractor has achieved a completion percentage of 13.5% having carried out the following activities:
1 Mobilized to site.
2 Office Setup Completed.
3 Biocell Construction completed
4 Site characterization/assessment field sampling and data collection have been completed. The site characterization report and RAP have been submitted
5 The contractor has received conditional regulatory approval for the Site Characterization and RAP to commence remedial action.
6 The contractor is preparing to commence remedial action

SMR 018
UNEP CODE: 015 – 001
LOCATION: Wiikayako (Well 10) Kpean Khana LGA
SITE REFERENCE CO-ORDINATE (UTM WGS 64): Easting: 330552; Northing:508627
CONTRACTOR: Katech Construction Co Ltd
SCOPE SUMMARY: To carry out site characterization/assessment and remediate hydrocarbon impacted areas within the site.
The contractor has achieved a completion percentage of 23.5% having carried out the following activities:
1 Mobilized to site.
2 Office Setup Completed.
3 Site characterization/assessment field sampling and data collection have been completed. The site characterization report and RAP have been submitted.
4 The contractor has obtained conditional regulatory approval for their site characterization report and RAP
5 Commenced Remediation Action Phase.
a) Ex-situ Treatment Method: Excavation and treatment of impacted soils ongoing
b) In-situ Treatment method: installation of injection boreholes for biosparging ongoing

SMR 019
UNEP CODE: 009 – 004
LOCATION: Muugborgbara Biara Gokana LGA
SITE REFERENCE CO-ORDINATE (UTM WGS 64): Easting: 309150; Northing: 520168
CONTRACTOR: Jezreel Engineering Services Limited
SCOPE SUMMARY: To carry out site characterization/assessment and remediate hydrocarbon impacted areas within the site.
The contractor has achieved a completion percentage of 11% having carried out the following activities:
1 Mobilized to site.
2 Office Setup completed
3 Biocell Construction completed
4 Site characterization/assessment field sampling and data collection completed.
Yet to Submit Site characterization report and RAP for review

SMR 020
UNEP CODE: 009 – 001
LOCATION: Bara Yiema Kpite Tai LGA
SITE REFERENCE CO-ORDINATE (UTM WGS 64): Easting: 309313; Northing:521251
CONTRACTOR: Welltime Ltd
SCOPE SUMMARY: To carry out site characterization/assessment and remediate hydrocarbon impacted areas within the site.
The contractor has achieved a completion percentage of 17.5% having carried out the following activities:
1 Mobilized to site
2 Office setup completed.
3 Site characterization/assessment field sampling and data collection have been completed. The site characterization report and RAP have been submitted.
4 The contractor has been given provisional approval to commence the Remediation phase of the works after the review of documents.
5 Biocell construction completed
6 Commenced Remediation Action Phase: a) Exsitu Treatment Method: Excavation of trenches of impacted soil
b) insitu treatment method: Installation of injection boreholes

SMR 020B
LOCATION: Barabeedom K.Dere Gokana LGA
SITE REFERENCE CO-ORDINATE (UTM WGS 64): Easting: 309018; Northing: 515567
CONTRACTOR: Chayoobi Nig Ltd
SCOPE SUMMARY: To carry out site characterization/assessment of the site and remediate hydrocarbon impacted areas within the site.
The contractor has achieved a completion percentage of 13.5% having carried out the following activities:
1 Mobilized to site
2 Office setup completed.
3 Site characterization/assessment field sampling and data collection have been completed. The site characterization report and RAP have been submitted.
4 The contractor has received provisional approval to commence the Remediation phase of the works after the review of documents.
5 Biocell construction completed.
6 Yet to commence active remediation works

SMR 021
UNEP CODE: 009 – 010
LOCATION: Biara Biara Gokana LGA
SITE REFERENCE CO-ORDINATE (UTM WGS 64): Easting: 309095; Northing: 519574
CONTRACTOR: Satel Construction Nig Ltd
SCOPE SUMMARY: To carry out site characterization/assessment and remediate hydrocarbon impacted areas within the site.
The contractor has achieved a completion percentage of 22% having carried out the following activities:
1 Mobilized to site
2 Office setup completed.
3 Site characterization/assessment field sampling and data collection have been completed. The site characterization report and RAP have been submitted.
4 The contractor has been given provisional approval to commence the Remediation phase of the works after the review of documents.
5 Biocell construction completed
6 Remediation Action Phase Ongoing: a) Ex-situ Treatment Method: Excavation and treatment of impacted soil.

SMR 022
UNEP CODE: 019 – 001
LOCATION: Bera-Bera P/L 1 Bera Gokana LGA
SITE REFERENCE CO-ORDINATE (UTM WGS 64): Easting: 308892; Northing: 517455
CONTRACTOR: Duluidas Nig. Ltd
SCOPE SUMMARY: To carry out site characterization/assessment and remediate hydrocarbon impacted areas within the site.
The contractor has achieved a completion percentage of 11.5% having carried out the following activities:
1 Mobilized to site.
2 Office Setup completed
3 Biocell Construction completed.
4 Site characterization and assessment field sampling and data collection have been completed. The site characterization report and RAP have been submitted for review.

SMR 023
UNEP CODE: 019 – 002
LOCATION: Bera P/L 1-3 Bera Gokana LGA
SITE REFERENCE CO-ORDINATE (UTM WGS 64): Easting: 308710; Northing: 51822
CONTRACTOR: Acti & Air Power
SCOPE SUMMARY: To carry out site characterization/assessment and remediate hydrocarbon impacted areas within the site.
The contractor has achieved a completion percentage of 10.5% having carried out the following activities:
1 Mobilized to site.
2 Office Setup ongoing
3 Site characterization and assessment field sampling and data collection have been completed. The site characterization report and RAP have been submitted for review. The review process is ongoing
4 Biocell Construction ongoing

SMR 024
UNEP CODE: 019 – 002
LOCATION: Bera P/L 1-3 Bera Gokana LGA
SITE REFERENCE CO-ORDINATE (UTM WGS 64): Easting: 308834; Northing: 518084
CONTRACTOR: Roxcon Nigeria Ltd
SCOPE SUMMARY: To carry out site characterization/assessment and remediate hydrocarbon-impacted areas within the site.
The contractor has achieved a completion percentage of 22.5% having carried out the following activities:
1 Mobilized to site
2 Office setup completed.
3 Site characterization/assessment field sampling and data collection have been completed. The site characterization report and RAP have been submitted.
4 The contractor has received full approval to commence the Remediation phase of the works after the review of documents.
5 Biocell construction completed
6 Remediation Action Phase ongoing: a) Ex-situ Treatment Method: Excavation and treatment of impacted soil, transfer of treated soil to storage area.

SMR 025
UNEP CODE: 019 – 002
LOCATION: Bera P/L 1-3 Bera Gokana LGA
SITE REFERENCE CO-ORDINATE (UTM WGS 64): Easting: 308901; Northing: 517994
CONTRACTOR: Barewa Investment Ltd
SCOPE SUMMARY: To carry out site characterization/assessment and remediate hydrocarbon impacted areas within the site.
The contractor has achieved a completion percentage of 27.5% having carried out the following activities:
1 Mobilized to site
2 Office setup completed.
3 Site characterization/assessment field sampling and data collection have been completed. The site characterization report and RAP have been submitted.
4 The contractor has received full approval to commence the Remediation phase of the works after the review of documents.
5 Biocell construction completed
6 Remediation Action Phase ongoing:
a) Ex-situ Treatment Method: Excavation and treatment of impacted soil.
b) In-situ Treatment Method: Biosparging and Bioventing operations ongoing

SMR 026
UNEP CODE: 019 – 012
LOCATION: Boobanabe P/L 1-2 K.Dere Gokana LGA
SITE REFERENCE CO-ORDINATE (UTM WGS 64): Easting: 305861; Northing: 515309
CONTRACTOR: Karidav Integrated Services Ltd
SCOPE SUMMARY: To carry out site characterization/assessment and remediate hydrocarbon impacted areas within the site.
The contractor has achieved a completion percentage of 11% having carried out the following activities:
1 Mobilized to site
2 Office setup completed.
3 Site characterization/assessment field sampling and data collection are complete. The Site characterization report and remediation action plan have been submitted for review.
4 Biocell Construction ongoing

SMR 027
UNEP CODE: 019 – 012
LOCATION: Boobanabe P/L 1-3 K.Dere Gokana LGA
SITE REFERENCE CO-ORDINATE (UTM WGS 64): Easting: 306006; Northing: 515395
CONTRACTOR: Transcend Construction Ltd
SCOPE SUMMARY: To carry out site characterization/assessment and remediate hydrocarbon-impacted areas within the site.
The contractor has achieved a completion percentage of 14% having carried out the following activities:
1 Mobilized to site
2 Office setup completed.
3 Site characterization/assessment field sampling and data collection have been completed. The site characterization report and RAP have been submitted.
4 The contractor has received provisional approval to commence the Remediation phase of the works after the review of documents.
5 Biocell construction completed
6 Yet to commence active remediation works

SMR 028
UNEP CODE: 019 – 010
LOCATION: Gior Kpor/Mogho/ K.Dere Gokana LGA
SITE REFERENCE CO-ORDINATE (UTM WGS 64): Easting: 308845; Northing: 514494
CONTRACTOR: Toledo Engineering Ltd
SCOPE SUMMARY: To carry out site characterization/assessment and remediate hydrocarbon impacted areas within the site.
The contractor has achieved a completion percentage of 6.5% having carried out the following activities:
1 Mobilized to site
2 Office setup ongoing.
3 Site characterization/assessment field sampling and data collection have been completed. Submitted site characterization report and remediation action plan (RAP) for review

SMR 029
UNEP CODE: 019 – 010
LOCATION: Gior Kpor/Mogho/ K.Dere Gokana LGA
SITE REFERENCE CO-ORDINATE (UTM WGS 64): Easting: 308553; Northing: 514402
CONTRACTOR: Bussdor and Comp Ltd
SCOPE SUMMARY: To carry out site characterization/assessment and remediate hydrocarbon impacted areas within the site.
The contractor has achieved a completion percentage of 17.5% having carried out the following activities:
1 Mobilized to site
2 Office setup completed.
3 Site characterization/assessment field sampling and data collection have been completed. Awaiting submission of site characterization report and remediation action plan (RAP).
4 The contractor has received full approval to commence the Remediation phase of the works after the review of documents.
5 Biocell construction completed
6 Commenced Remediation Action Phase: a) Ex-situ Treatment Method: Excavation and treatment of impacted soil.

SMR 030
UNEP CODE: 019-035
LOCATION: Kegbara-Kpor Kpor Gokana LGA
SITE REFERENCE CO-ORDINATE (UTM WGS 64): Easting: 309569; Northing: 514300
CONTRACTOR: Thaworld Global Resources Ltd
SCOPE SUMMARY: To carry out site characterization/assessment and remediate hydrocarbon impacted areas within the site.
The contractor has achieved a completion percentage of 20.5% having carried out the following activities:
1 Mobilized to site
2 Office setup completed.
3 Site characterization/assessment field sampling and data collection have been completed. The site characterization report and RAP have been submitted.
4 The contractor has received provisional approval to commence the Remediation phase of the works after the review of documents.
5 Biocell construction completed
6 Remediation Action Phase ongoing: a) Ex-situ Treatment Method: Excavation and treatment of impacted soil.

SMR 031
UNEP CODE: 019 – 020
LOCATION: Debon Mogho/Bodo Gokana LGA
SITE REFERENCE CO-ORDINATE (UTM WGS 64): Easting: 308896; Northing: 513037
CONTRACTOR: Telmac Engineering Ltd
SCOPE SUMMARY: To carry out site characterization/assessment and remediate hydrocarbon impacted areas within the site.
The contractor has achieved a completion percentage of 6.5% having carried out the following activities:
1 Mobilized to site
2 Office setup ongoing.
3 Site characterization/assessment field sampling and data collection have been completed. Awaiting submission of site characterization report and remediation action plan (RAP)

SMR 032
UNEP CODE: 019 – 013
LOCATION: Peeteeh/Boobanabe K.Dere Gokana LGA
SITE REFERENCE CO-ORDINATE (UTM WGS 64): Easting: 305766; Northing:515496
CONTRACTOR: Halliday Global Services
SCOPE SUMMARY: To carry out site characterization/assessment and remediate hydrocarbon impacted areas within the site.
The contractor has achieved a completion percentage of 11.5% having carried out the following activities:
1 Mobilized to the site
2 Completed site office setup.
3 Site characterization/assessment field sampling and data collection completed. The Characterization Report and RAP have been submitted and are currently under review.
4 Biocell Construction completed

SMR 033
UNEP CODE: 019 – 013
LOCATION: Peeteeh/Boobanabe K.Dere Gokana LGA
SITE REFERENCE CO-ORDINATE (UTM WGS 64): Easting: 305451; Northing:515160
CONTRACTOR: Lapideo Multi Services Ltd
SCOPE SUMMARY: To carry out site characterization/assessment and remediate hydrocarbon impacted areas within the site.
The contractor has achieved a completion percentage 13.5% having carried out the following activities:
1 Mobilized to site
2 Office setup completed.
3 Site characterization/assessment field sampling and data collection have been completed. The site characterization report and RAP have been submitted.
4 The contractor has received provisional approval to commence the Remediation phase of the works after the review of documents.
5 Biocell construction ongoing
6 Yet to commence active remediation works

SMR 034
UNEP CODE: 019 – 013
LOCATION: Peeteeh/Boobanabe K.Dere Gokana LGA
SITE REFERENCE CO-ORDINATE (UTM WGS 64): Easting:309522 ; Northing:514282
CONTRACTOR: ZGM Investment Group of Companies Ltd
SCOPE SUMMARY: To carry out site characterization/assessment and remediate hydrocarbon impacted areas within the site.
The contractor has achieved a completion percentage of 9.5% having carried out the following activities:
1 Mobilized to site
2 Office setup ongoing.
3 Site characterization and assessment field sampling and data collection have been completed. The site characterization report and remediation action plan (RAP) have been submitted for review.

SMR 035
UNEP CODE: 016 – 011
LOCATION: Kwawa Flowstation & Flare Kwawa Khana LGA
SITE REFERENCE CO-ORDINATE (UTM WGS 64): Easting: 331632; Northing:509504
CONTRACTOR: Engineering Seven Integrated Konsult Ltd
SCOPE SUMMARY: To carry out site characterization/assessment and remediate hydrocarbon impacted areas within the site.
The contractor has achieved a completion percentage of 8.5% having carried out the following activities:
1 Mobilized to site
2 Office setup ongoing.
3 Site characterization/assessment field sampling and data collection have been completed. Awaiting submission of site characterization report and remediation action plan (RAP).
4 Biocell construction ongoing

SMR 036
UNEP CODE: 016 – 011
LOCATION: Kwawa Flowstation & Flare Kwawa Khana LGA
SITE REFERENCE CO-ORDINATE (UTM WGS 64): Easting:331746 ; Northing:507552
CONTRACTOR: Philcom Integrated Ltd
SCOPE SUMMARY: To carry out site characterization/assessment and remediate hydrocarbon impacted areas within the site.
The contractor has achieved a completion percentage of 58.5% having carried out the following activities:
1 Mobilized to site.
2 Office setup completed.
3 Site Characterization/Assessment field sampling and data collection completed.
4 Submitted Site characterization report and RAP for review.
5 The contractor has obtained full regulatory approval for their site characterization report and RAP to commence remedial action.
6 The Remediation Action Phase is ongoing:
a) Ex-situ treatment method: Excavation of impacted soils, treatment of contaminated soil, and recovery of free phase oil.
b) In-situ Treatment Method: Biosparging around excavated trenches using air compressor systems and installed injection wells.

SMR 037
UNEP CODE: 015 – 001
LOCATION: Wiikayako (Well 10) Kpean Khana LGA
SITE REFERENCE CO-ORDINATE (UTM WGS 64): Easting: 330433; Northing: 508693
CONTRACTOR: Shearforce Nig Ltd
SCOPE SUMMARY: To carry out site characterization/assessment and remediate hydrocarbon impacted areas within the site.
The contractor has achieved a completion percentage of 14.5% having carried out the following activities:
1 Mobilized to site
2 Office setup completed.
3 Site characterization/assessment field sampling and data collection have been completed. The site characterization report and RAP have been submitted.
4 The contractor has received provisional approval to commence the Remediation phase of the works after the review of documents.
5 Biocell construction completed
6 Commenced Remediation Action Phase:
a Installation of injection Borehole