The Hydrocarbon Pollution Remediation Project (HYPREP) is seeking the collaboration of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in sensitizing communities in Ogoni on the activities of the Project especially in the areas of sustainable mangrove and periwinkle harvesting, mangrove conservation and carbon financing.

Project Coordinator of HYPREP, Professor Nenibarini Zabbey made this call when the International Director for Natural Resources and Climate Change (NRCC) Ford Foundation, Professor Anthony Bebbington led partners of the Foundation to the Project Coordination Office in Port Harcourt.

Professor Zabbey noted that CSOs’ collaboration is needed in sensitizing communities against the use of dynamites for fishing, sustainable alternative energy sources, mangrove and periwinkle harvesting in the region. The PC’s call comes against the need to discourage the cutting of juvenile mangroves and facilitation of sustainable harvesting of periwinkle in the creeks following the upsurge in the density of the sea food in the creeks of Ogoni as a result of the clean-up project and biodiversity recovery. HYPREP is carrying out mangrove restoration in Ogoni spanning, 560 hectares. At date, about 1 million seedlings have been planted, this the PC stated is a local effort with a global impact in terms of climate change mitigation and adaptation.

The Project Coordinator explained that the Project’s provision of cook stoves as an alternative energy source to community women is its pilot scheme towards reducing dependence on mangrove plants, noting that the Project is following up on its effectiveness. He added that the Project is also focusing on creating alternative livelihood in mangrove preservation, quantifying carbon sources, linking the communities to carbon finance and benefits while addressing related conflicts that may arise.

While mentioning the significant strides HYPREP has recorded across its projects viz, mangrove restoration, remediation(Land and shoreline), provision of potable water, construction of the Centre of Excellence for Environmental Restoration, Ogoni Specialist Hospital, Buan Cottage Hospital, Ogoni Power Project and livelihood programmes, Professor Zabbey disclosed that in the coming months, HYPREP through the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Cancer Research will carry out a comprehensive Health Study of Ogoni, the output of which will help strengthen relevant agents to intervene in health issues in the region.

He further stated that HYPREP is mindful of the promotion of gender and social inclusion-accommodating the underserved population and increasing women participation to 40 percent in the Project activities. He commended Ford Foundation for the visit.

Mr Emmanuel Kuyole, Programme Officer of Ford Foundation West African, said the visit was to familiarize with the Project and seek collaboration in livelihood support. Professor Damien-Paul Aguiyi, Director Technical Services led the visitors to the Bomu Creek where they planted mangroves, CEER and the remediation site in Ogale, Eleme. On the visit were Emem Okon, Executive Director, Kebetkache Women Development and Resource Centre, Ken Henshaw, Executive Director of We the People and Jude Samuelson, Stakeholder Democracy Network among others.

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